Thursday, November 19, 2009

Photo update

Here are a few photos from one of the guests from a previous safari (see “The week of the first rains”). I never managed to get a photo of the adult albino elephant, but here it is now. Note the yellow tail hair and eyelashes. Also, I thought their photo of the cheetah on the sign is pretty amazing. It gives you an idea of how close it actually was to the vehicle. Thanks Duane for sending them to me. They’re great.


Simon Vegter

Wild Wings Safaris


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Displaying Korhaan

The birds are in full swing with the oncoming breeding season. Nest building is done on earnest. Males are trying to obtain territories, and more importantly, females. This is done with attractive plumage and calling. One spectacular display came from a Redcrested Korhaan. The red crest is normally not noticeable and hardly ever seen. This was only my second time to see one display like that. I find it quite interesting that a bird is named after something hardly seen, but considering that they are often named after dead specimens in museums, perhaps the crest seemed like one of the more obvious features. Little did they know in museums that in the wild it’s very special to see.


Simon Vegter

Wild Wings Safaris